What is Domain name ?
A domain name is name for your website. Internet users can access your website using your domain name address. A domain name can be alphanumeric, and it can be used in combination of the various domain name extensions, such as .com, .net ,.org and more.
For Example : example.com or www.example.com
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What is Sub Domain ?
Some domains offers their services by hosting website at
Some web hosts offers hosting for sub domain names, however, the domain names reflects the host.
For example : sales.example.com or accounts.example.com
A domain name in this format is also known as a sub domain.
Sub domains of registered domain is free and functional on the Internet, it has its limitations:
- Most search engines do not accept subdomains from free web hosting providers.
- It is not easy for your visitors to find your website, as now they need to remember your website name as well as your host’s URL.
- You will not be able to transfer the subdomain to another web host.
Domain / Website Hosting
Every domain / website designed with HTML , CSS , Javascript programming languages. If website has any dynamic activities like sending emails , storing data, processing multiple forms, etc then this type of sites required to be developed in server side scripting language like PHP scripting and Database Engine like MYSQL.
A website / domain hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service. It allows people and companies to make their website available on the World Wide Web. Web hosts are companies which provide space on a server which is owned or leased for use by clients. Files which can be used for designing & development of website requires storage. Website files stored on the server. The server feeds the web pages to the Internet.